Popular Culture
Popular culture is the general culture of a society, including ideas, music, books, and the mass media, as opposed to high culture. I associate popular culture with things that are parts of our life and are popular at the moment like certain movies, songs, brands, etc.It is important for me to keep up with todays trends because that can help me integrate easier in the society, and it can open new doors and new perspectives for the future. From a business standpoint, understanding popular culture can bring a lot of benefits like attracting more customers, keeping actual customers, diversifying the products and services offered to meet the current trends, etc. By understanding popular culture, businesses can also promote more efficiently their business, and they can adapt to the always changing times.
Facebook is an example of a popular culture artifact. Everyone is talking about Facebook, and it seems that this is the place where everything happens nowadays. Facebook is the place where you can keep in touch with friends, family and not only. Facebook is also a popular tool for businesses to promote their products and services. Facebook is present everywhere around us (TV, product packages, etc.).
Facebook is not only how I keep in touch with friends and family, but work as well. I have a few coworkers on my friends list, and we use it to make decisions about how many hours to prepare for, as well as to prepare for who will or will not be there.